duminică, 25 februarie 2018

a-ha - Lifelines

Videoclipul piesei Lifeliness incepe cu un poem scris de regele Norvegiei. Apoi te poarta prin Børfjord, un oras de pescari din nordul tarii. Filmul original avea 12 minute (105 zile de filmare). 
A-ha este unul dintre grupurile mele preferate [ dupa cum spuneam am cateva A-uri speciale pe lista mea de suflet ] de care ma leaga foarte multe amintiri. Dragi. In general, in timp, toate amintirile devin (sau asa ar trebui) dragi.


Azi a fulguit toata ziua si, datorita frigului, s-a si depus un strat subtirel de cativa centrimetri de praf de zapada. Tot asa ca si prima data cand a nins, candva prin decembrie. :)) Fulgi farini ii numisem atunci.

Versuri (via):

 One time to know that it's real
One time to know how it feels
That's all
One call - your voice on the phone
One place - a moment alone
That's all

What do you see?
What do you know?
What are the signs?
What do I do?
Just follow your lifelines through
What if it hurts?
What do I do?
What do you say?
Don't throw your lifelines away
Don't throw your lifelines away

One time - just once in my life
One time- to know it can happen twice
One shot of a clear blue sky
One look - I see no reasons why you can't
One chance to be back
To the point where everything starts
Once chance to keep it together
Things fall apart
Once I make us believe it's true

What do we see?
Where do we go?
What are the signs?
How do we grow?
By letting your lifelines show
What if we do? What up to now?
What do you say?
How do I know?
Don't let your lifeline go
Don't let your lifeline go
Don't let your lifeline go

Intre timp s-a lasat intunericul... ma-ntreb daca maine va mai sta, sau va pleca. Primavara bate la usa, tarabele pentru pentru martisoare s-au imbracat in alb... iar eu merg sa privesc in noapte dansul fulgilor de nea.


DIMI spunea... [Raspunde]

Good morning dear friend!
Great post! A Ha is one of my favorite groups too!
I really enjoyed listening to this song ones more!
Wonderful picture o your city with the snowy scenery!
It must be very cold there...here it’s raining all the week!
Wishing you a lovely new week!Hugs!

Suzana spunea... [Raspunde]

Multumesc, draga Rux! Foarte frumoasa melodia!
A venit si zapada pe care ti-o doreai! un pic cam tarziu, dar si asa e bine!
Pupici si o saptamana minunata! <3

copilarim spunea... [Raspunde]

Hello :)!
It is more freezing than snowing here. I am really happy to see the "white" taing over the city, as I always had the impression that snow cleans the ugly and the bad things, and than you can have a new fresh start.
But it's soooooo cold :))).
I am Eally happy that you enjoyed a-ha lifeliness as well. <3
Have a wonderful weekk as well :*

copilarim spunea... [Raspunde]

@Suzana Miu :* a-ha au ceva special. Mie imi sunt foarte dragi.
Da... a venit :D. Cernuta ce e drept... si cu un frig pe masura :)))). Dar e alb afara. Si sper cumva sa curete tot ce a fost rau si urat si sa ne pregateasca de renasterea din fiecare an, un inceput nou si curat si frumos :P.

Imbratisari cu drag :*

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