Mi-ati dat o idee! Citind comentariile de la articolul de pe 31 decembrie, m-am gandit ca ar fi interesant si, de ce nu, placut, ca, o data pe saptamana - vineri, sa adaug cate o piesa de-al lor, pe blog. Am.... chiar am, de unde. 21 de ani - 17 albume :D (plus single-urile...).
Voi incepe astazi cu ultima piesa, de pe cel mai recent album This is Arashi. (Si ultimul pana cand se va termina hiatusul care tocmai a inceput - trag nadejde cu Jocurile Olimpice, ca trebuiau sa cante anul trecut acolo, si vorba aia... nu or lipsi totusi, zic si eu... haha 😅).
Am gasit si o traducere (in engleza), asa ca o voi adauga mai jos, asa , orientativ.
Mie piesa mi se pare absolut superba. Efectiv simti ce vor sa transmita si oricum, muzica lor nu are cum sa se termine, pentru ca s-a impregnat cumva in cei care ii asculta si rezoneaza cu mesajele transmise.
Ma bucur ca pot imparti cu voi ceva atat de frumos. Sper sa va placa! 💓
Versuri (via):
Closing my eyes, I imagine an unfading world over there
Even more, I can constantly hear smiles fluttering in the sound
Living this way, we extend to the future
Sing our love, it's an irreplaceable feeling of warmth
In the corner of your heart, even today, the song continues
Here we are, and you feel the same, this unchanging story where we can meet with laughter
Always be by your side, full of hope, the music never ends
All this time, we chased after countless miracles with everyone
You're my other side, now, my feelings swim in the eternity of your sweet fragrance With a future not on the map, to even further than that, look, we'll be there
Brighter way I'll take you along on a journey of the heart
The ticket is on your palm, tell it to "play the song", no matter where you are
Joy, Sadness, everything while snuggling closely
Hum like being guided, the music never ends
Through frustrations that can't be helped, even in days that cast a shadow
Be alright, Morning will come, and we'll continue on the road
Let's overlap our voices, they're like neverending melodies
Going beyond time, it resounds again and again, the music never ends
"Sing our love" again and again, we place our wishes in these words
In this place (With all our heart) that connects us, we'll continue to sing
And then let's embark from there, wrapped in a dazzling ray of light
We must go on, to the next scenery, the music never ends
The music never ends
Pe maine!
E fain cantecul! Versurile imi plac mult de tot!
Duminica frumoasa iti doresc! Pupici! <3
Mi-a plăcut mult acestă piesă ! 🤗
O idee foarte bună de a posta în fiecare vineri, sau weekend câte o astfel de piesă din repertoriul lor vast.. Mulțumesc ! 😇
@Diana multu!!!
A fost ploioasa si innorata. :) Si a trecut prea repede.
As vrea sa mai trag un pic de timp dar tot ala e... :)))
Si mie imi place asa de mult!!! Ma bucur mult :D.
Pupici cu mult drag <3
@Stef Rof ce ma bucur :D
Asa m-am gandit: vineri sa fie o piesa muzicala, si poate un eekend un filmulet ceva. sa vedem.
Si mie imi place foarte mult. :)
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