duminică, 21 august 2011

A thousand sheets of paper giveaway...!

click to go to the giveaway / apasati pe poza pentru a merge la concurs

And my first thought is.... WOW (why am i sharring this?:)) - now am i kidding). This is a really nice giweaway that i found out about and.. who knows maybe i get really really lucky and win... finger crossed. Actually... since i first saw all that paper and the stamps i got... such a desire to play with paper and stamps (oh yeah... i found the old stamps we had when we were litlle - muhahaha... without the ink part thought..but still). Well good luck to me and all of you participating and happy anniversary to A thousand sheets of paper!!! :)


Si primul gand care mi-a trecut prin minte a fost... Uau (de ce dau sfoara in tara?:P - glumesc). Un giveaway foarte dragut - despre care am aflat - .. cine stie poate am noroc si castig (sa tinem pumnii). De cand am vazut acel munte de hartii atat de frumos colorate si stampilele mi s-a facut pofta sa ma joc cu hartie si stampile (a gasit Rha stampilele noastre vechi, din pacate fara cutia cu tus dar totusi). Bafta mie si mult succes si celorlalti participanti si bineinteles aniversare frumoasa A thousand sheets of paper.


KaBea spunea... [Raspunde]

Waw!Super faine,iti tinem pumniiiiiiii!Pupam.

copilarim spunea... [Raspunde]

merci:D sa fie! :*

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